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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 23% (CAPPED) Energy: 42% Status: gasping for breath (-1 Accuracy) Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 13% Energy: 10% Status: Really really tired. Just about ready to give up. (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; -1 Special...
  2. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    (Whatever it was at the end of last round) Round Seven Thunder pierced the sky, and a torrent of rain fell from the heavens, clouds instantenously obscuring the sun. Drake fired yet another Energy Ball, this one striking Hoshi directly in the face. As it hit, Hoshi's eyes froze, unmoving...
  3. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 63% Energy: 49% Status: Missing himself. (Chlorophyll activated) Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 56% Energy: 51% Status: "Ha!" (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; -1 Special defense; Paralysed (light, 6% chance to fail, -1...
  4. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 70% Energy: 49% Status: Confident. (Chlorophyll activated) Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 62% Energy: 54% Status: "Oh Jesus" (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; Paralysed (mild, 12% chance to fail, -1 Speed); Confused...
  5. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 70% Energy: 49% Status: Confident. (Chlorophyll activated) Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 62% Energy: 54% Status: "Oh Jesus" (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; Paralysed (mild, 12% chance to fail, -1 Speed); Confused...
  6. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 83% Energy: 67% Status: “Things are looking up!” Feeling pretty good about his situation. Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 67% Energy: 79% Status: “Ohhh my head!” Blinking rapidly (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; Paralysed...
  7. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 83% Energy: 67% Status: “Things are looking up!” Feeling pretty good about his situation. Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 67% Energy: 79% Status: “Ohhh my head!” Blinking rapidly (+2 Attack; -1 Accuracy; Paralysed...
  8. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Then they will fail in the reffing. Commands have been entered and cannot be changed. You are eager, young grasshopper; calm yourself and observe, and you will learn much.
  9. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Dark Koala, in ASB Solarbeam can be performed in one turn, at the cost of a little extra energy. Or decreased priority, I forget. Either way you'll be moving last so you could theoretically fire off two Solarbeams. It's too late to edit your commands, but I thought I'd let you know. Reffing...
  10. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Round One Complete Team Dark Koala Seedot Drake – male <Chlorophyll> Health: 83% Energy: 83% Status: “I think you dented my helmet...” Wishing he had hands to rub his sore head. Team Mad MOAI Horsea Hoshi – male <Sniper> Health: 87% Energy: 84% Status: “MAI EYES” Blinking rapidly (-1...
  11. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Now, Dark Koala, if you want to change your commands, do so. If not, let me know and I'll get crackin.
  12. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    I am the derpiest. I lied, Mad MOAI attacks next. Sorry.
  13. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    The Omskivar's Ralts teleported him to the Forecast Forest, where the two Trainers waited for him in a clearing, having already been transported by a League Abra. He delegated to them their positions, and they assumed them, sending out their Pokemon and issuing commands. The referee waved his...
  14. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Herp derp derp Mad MOAI sent out a HORSEA Dark Koala sent out a SOMETHING HE DIDN'T SPECIFY Mad MOAI's HORSEA evolved into a SQUIRTLE Dearie me I'm confused. Clearly the only thing with those moves in Dark Koala's Active Squad is the Seedot I just used to basically steal a barter for his...
  15. The Omskivar

    Dark Koala vs. Mad MOAI

    Dark Koala's Active Squad: Katrina the Female Absol Ability: Pressure Rex the Male Sandile Ability: Moxie Drake the Male Seedot Ability: Chlorophyll Mad MOAI's Active Squad: Lust the Female Weavile Ability: Pressure Maria Ross the Female Plusle Ability: Plus Luminas the Male Nosepass...
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